IR Community: 学院开设机械电子工程、电气工程及其自动化、自动化三个本科专业,机械制造与自动化、机电一体化技术和电气自动化技术三个专科专业,其中机械电子工程专业开设有“先进制造与工业机器人”特色方向,机电一体化技术专业开设有“工业机器人”特色方向。设有机械工程与自动化系、电气工程与自动化系两个系以及院实验与实训中心。 学院开设机械电子工程、电气工程及其自动化、自动化三个本科专业,机械制造与自动化、机电一体化技术和电气自动化技术三个专科专业,其中机械电子工程专业开设有“先进制造与工业机器人”特色方向,机电一体化技术专业开设有“工业机器人”特色方向。设有机械工程与自动化系、电气工程与自动化系两个系以及院实验与实训中心。 2023-03-23T08:50:31Z An Improved artificial sheep algorithm based on a novel hybrid strategy Title: An Improved artificial sheep algorithm based on a novel hybrid strategy Authors: 丁坦 Abstract: Artificial sheep algorithm (ASA) is a novel swarm intelligence algorithm. Although ASA performs a good optimization ability, it cannot completely avoid local optimum, premature and imbalance between exploration and exploitation. To solve those problems proposed above, a hybrid improvement strategy is employed on ASA. The hybrid improvement strategy includes two parts, reconstruction strategy and competition strategy which both can not only enhance the diversity of IASA, but also improve the global search ability. Moreover, 13 benchmark functions are run on ASA and the improved ASA named IASA respectively. Test results show that IASA have significantly performed better performance than ASA. 2021-08-01T00:00:00Z 机器视觉电气工程自动化一体运维系统V1.0 Title: 机器视觉电气工程自动化一体运维系统V1.0 Authors: 雷丹 2022-02-24T00:00:00Z 机器视觉电气工程传感器检测处理系统 Title: 机器视觉电气工程传感器检测处理系统 Authors: 雷丹 2022-02-23T00:00:00Z 高功率因数电源设计 Title: 高功率因数电源设计 Authors: 雷丹 2009-06-01T00:00:00Z